Though women are more prone to use handbags but to organize money you always need a purse or wallet. Not only money you can also carry ID cards, visiting cards in your purse. If you want to go out of those old fashion purse then look after this trendy and modest purse which can be your pick.
Leather patchwork purse- Patchwork is being trendy nowadays which has been also adopted by the wallet industry. You can find amazing traditional work in these leather wallets with patchwork. It also contains the great capacity to carry notes as well as coins and much more.
Zipper wallet- Many people don’t find the buttons are secure enough to carry money this is why such zipper wallets have been created. This type of wallet mainly contains secure coin keeping segments but don’t miss out to keep enough space for keeping notes.
Buckle leather purse- This small handy purse looks stylish and also capable to carry money and small stuff. These purses are generally secured with a buckle and found to be preferred by many people because of the secure lock.
Small flap bag- These small bag with a single chain are famous as a purse but it can also be used as an accessory organiser bag. You can carry small stuff in it. This purse can be ideal to carry coins.
Zipper card and coin holder- This slim zipper purse will be an accessory to your elegant look. This purse can carry coins, cards as well as notes. This type of purse don’t have much capacity to carry but looks beautiful when you carry it.
Cute cat wallet- Wallets are not always for ladies, there are some wallets designed for teens as well. This cute cat wallet- is one of such. You can carry your pocket money and save in this little pure safely.